
Interested in working at the RecPlex?
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Kacie Testimonial
We are looking for individuals who thrive on teamwork, are willing to put in the hard work and enjoy being part of a fun fast-paced environment!
It's our mission to promote and preserve investment in our community and employees.

How do I apply?

Apply Today
Click button above to fill out job form.
Once completed, RecPlex management will follow up with you regarding your application. 

Why RecPlex?

What departments are hiring?
See tabs below.
Click on each department for more details about open positions.
For full job descriptions, click here. (Under descriptions/notes search RecPlex.) 

RecPlex Model for Success

Model for Success

Having foresight by planning and moving toward the future with imagination and wisdom.

A set standard of excellence worthy of admiration and replication.

Demonstrating dependable, well-educated work which exhibits a sense of pride in a courteous and conscientious manner.

Sense of team and a willingness to work for the good of the whole community.